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ChatGPT's new face is a black hole | TechCrunch

May 13, 2024 -
OpenAI has announced updates to its conversational AI model, ChatGPT, including a new app and interface featuring a giant black dot as its user-facing personality. The black dot changes into a stylized waveform when ChatGPT is speaking and the prompt area does the same when the user speaks, subtly reinforcing the idea of conversation and collaboration. The new interface aims to make the interaction more natural and easy, allowing users to focus less on the UI. The decision to go monochrome with the black dot was seen as a smart move, as it is neutral, versatile, and easily recognizable.

The new dot interface will be seen in the desktop and mobile apps soon, although it is not yet used in the web interface. The stark geometric aesthetic of the black dot is reminiscent of motifs used in AI by other tech giants like Apple and Meta. Despite the potentially sinister connotation of a gaping black maw, it is considered a good brand move. The black dot is also a nod to the minimalism once embraced by Apple and is seen as a positive and decisive change.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI has announced updates to its AI model, ChatGPT, including a new app and interface featuring a giant black dot as its user-facing personality.
  • The black dot changes into a stylized waveform when ChatGPT is speaking, and the prompt area does the same when the user speaks, reinforcing the idea of conversation and collaboration.
  • The decision to go monochrome with the black dot was likely a strategic one, as it is neutral, versatile, and easily recognizable, despite potential sinister connotations.
  • The new dot interface will be seen in the desktop and mobile apps soon, but it does not appear to be used in the web interface yet.
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