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Jeli is bringing generative AI to incident report analysis | TechCrunch

Aug 10, 2023 -
Jeli, a company that helps businesses understand and track system incidents, has announced a beta version of a new feature that brings ChatGPT-like functionality to incident management. The new feature uses generative AI to help users understand what they're supposed to do during an emergency and to access expertise. It includes a 'Catch Me Up' feature that summarizes the conversation about an incident so far, and a narrative builder that provides a summary of the incident, including detection, diagnosis, and repair.

The company is using the OpenAI API to build this functionality, with the model specifically trained on computer incident management. To avoid the issue of the model making up part of an answer, the company shows its work so that a human can check the source material to confirm the data is correct. The current version does not allow users to query the incident report, but the company plans to refine the feature based on user feedback.

Key takeaways:

  • Jeli, a company that helps businesses understand and track incidents, has launched a beta that brings ChatGPT-like functionality to incident management.
  • The new feature will help users understand what happened during an incident with a summarizing feature, and provide a narrative builder to give a sense of the incident's breadth.
  • The company is using the OpenAI API to build this functionality, and has trained the model specifically on computer incident management.
  • While the current version does not allow users to query the incident report, the company plans to refine and enhance the feature based on user feedback.
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