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Snoop Hawk

May 14, 2024 -
Snoop Hawk is a web research automation tool that provides insights from any website at any time. It allows users to automate the process of checking websites for changes, such as monitoring for design flaws or new products. Users can set up a job with specific questions to be answered, trigger email notifications based on specified answer criteria, and schedule the job to run at a desired date and time. The results can then be viewed and analyzed, providing detailed answers and insights.

The tool also enhances the web analytics experience by offering features like automated job scheduling, AI-driven insights, and clear reporting. Users can manage jobs effortlessly, track and compare past job results, and receive actionable reports with triggers. The reports highlight key findings, facilitate decision-making, and automatically trigger notifications based on specific criteria. Users can get started by heading to the dashboard to launch their first job, with 10 complimentary jobs offered to get started.

Key takeaways:

  • Snoop Hawk automates web research, providing insights from any website at any time.
  • Users can set up jobs to monitor websites for changes, defining specific questions and criteria for email notifications.
  • The platform offers features like job scheduling, job history tracking, and actionable reports with triggers for enhanced web analytics experience.
  • New users can start with 10 complimentary jobs, managing and running them anytime and anywhere.
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