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Dec 28, 2023 -
The article is about a learning initiative called #100DaysOfAI, which aims to teach AI skills in 100 days through daily 30-minute bite-sized lessons. The lessons are free and designed to be fun and effective, starting from January 1st. The course is designed to take learners through a mini learning exercise every day, exploring the various applications of AI in everyday life, from intelligent journals and personal websites to AI-powered mobile apps and automated workflows.

The creator of the program, Max, explains that he started #100DaysOfAI to help people navigate the overwhelming amount of information about AI. The program aims to provide knowledge, accountability, and a consistent learning habit to its participants. The goal is to demystify AI's potential and practical implications in everyday life, making learning AI not only productive but also enjoyable.

Key takeaways:

  • The #100DaysOfAI challenge offers free, fun, and effective 30-minute daily lessons to guide your AI learning journey, starting from January 1st.
  • The lessons are designed to help you understand and apply AI in everyday life, from intelligent journals and personal websites to AI-powered mobile apps and automated workflows.
  • The challenge aims to transform your understanding of AI, from drawing a blank when someone starts talking about AGI's, LLM's, NLP, ML etc, to knowing what the tech bros are talking about.
  • The creator of the challenge, Max, launched #100DaysOfAI to facilitate a transformative journey, providing knowledge, accountability, and a habit to learn AI consistently.
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