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3 x Micro Assets to acquire, Directory, SaaS, Job Board

May 24, 2024 -
The article presents three projects ready for acquisition and growth. The first is an AI/ML & Data Science Job Board, priced at $5K and sold by Sarim. The second is a Wedding Directory, sold by Chris through the MicroAssets marketplace for $1.9K. The third is a micro productivity-based SaaS with 750 users, sold by Mason for $2K. The article also mentions the success of the Product Hunt launch, with a 300% increase in people looking to sell their projects and a consistent flow of new premium members.

Additionally, the article offers three domains for sale: for $242, for $374, and for $297. These domains are available at these prices for the next 48 hours. The article concludes with a disclaimer, emphasizing the importance of conducting thorough research and due diligence before purchasing any online business.

Key takeaways:

  • Three projects are ready for acquisition: AI/ML & Data Science Job Board, Wedding Directory, and a Micro productivity-based SaaS with 750 users.
  • The Product Hunt launch was successful, leading to a 300% increase in people looking to sell their projects and a significant increase in website visitors and registered users.
  • Domains such as,, and are available for purchase at specified prices for a limited time.
  • The newsletter emphasizes the importance of conducting thorough research and due diligence before purchasing any online business, considering factors like profitability, traffic, and growth potential.
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