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5 Data Mining Trends in 2023 | Datamation

Nov 09, 2023 -
The article discusses the trends driving enterprise data mining efforts in late 2023. It highlights the use of generative AI tools for data extraction and mining, the need for businesses to address customer data concerns, the balance between product personalization and customer rights, tech companies partnering with the military, and the risk of scammers mining data through social media quizzes. It also features business intelligence solutions like Domo, Yellowfin, and Wyn Enterprise.

The article emphasizes the importance of responsible data handling, given the growing consumer concerns about data privacy and the potential misuse of data. It suggests that businesses can regain trust by being transparent about their data usage policies and offering customers ways to access or delete their data. The article also warns about the risks of using generative AI tools for data mining, especially if sensitive material is used.

Key takeaways:

  • Data mining trends in 2023 are driven by evolving technologies, consumer data concerns, and public malpractice, and organizations need to be aware of these when planning their data mining strategies.
  • Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are changing the technology landscape, enabling data summarization at a larger scale and greater speed, but there are risks involved if sensitive material is used.
  • Customer data concerns are growing, with many people considering data mining techniques intrusive and worrying about how their information is handled. Businesses can regain trust by being transparent about their data usage policies.
  • There is a need to balance product personalization and customer rights, especially in industries like the auto industry that collect and use customer data extensively. There are concerns about how this information is handled, and some customers may prefer less advanced features in exchange for more privacy.
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