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A look at Grok responses Elon Musk has highlighted on X shows an AI chatbot whose unfunny, “edgy”, pointlessly offensive humor feels forced and try-hard

Dec 08, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from December 8, 2023, providing a snapshot of the site at 9:25 AM ET. The page includes top tech news from various sources including The Verge, TechCrunch, Android Authority, BBC, Bloomberg, and others. It also includes mentions of various tech influencers and their social media handles.

The page also provides links to sponsor posts, hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events. It also includes a section about the page itself, explaining that it's an archive page and how to navigate to the most current version of the site or view earlier snapshots. The page ends with more news, earlier picks, and mentions of more tech influencers.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but your request cannot be fulfilled as the provided text is not an article but a list of references to various articles and social media posts. It doesn't provide any specific information or key points that can be summarized.
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