Adobe Stock, a contributor network, began accepting AI-generated image submissions last year. In response to the issue, an Adobe spokesperson stated that all generative AI content must be labeled as such when submitted for licensing. The company also emphasized its commitment to fighting misinformation through the Content Authenticity Initiative, which aims to provide context about how digital content was created or edited, including the use of AI tools.
Key takeaways:
- Adobe is selling AI-generated images that depict fake scenes of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, some of which have been circulated online as real images.
- These images were submitted and possibly generated by users, with some being clearly labeled as AI-generated while others are not.
- Adobe Stock, which began accepting AI-generated image submissions last year, requires all generative AI content to be labeled as such when submitted for licensing.
- Adobe is committed to fighting misinformation and is working on the Content Authenticity Initiative, which aims to provide context about how digital content was created or edited, including whether AI tools were used.