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Adobe terms clarified: Will never own your work, or use it to train AI

Jun 07, 2024 -
Adobe's updated terms of service sparked controversy among its users, who were concerned that the company was claiming rights over their work. Users were unable to use the apps, request support, or uninstall the apps without agreeing to the new terms. Adobe initially dismissed the concerns, stating that the policy had been in place for years and that it was merely clarifying the terms. The company later explained in a blog post that the changes were made to be transparent about the content checks it performs, including automated and manual scanning for prohibited content.

Adobe assured users that it does not train its Firefly Gen AI models on customer content and will never assume ownership of a customer’s work. The company uses customer content to enable the use of its applications and services. Adobe also confirmed that thumbnail creation is one reason for the terms. The company plans to clarify the Terms of Use acceptance that customers see when opening applications.

Key takeaways:

  • Adobe's updated terms caused confusion and anger among users, as they seemed to suggest that Adobe was claiming rights over their work.
  • The company initially issued a dismissive statement, but later clarified the terms in a blog post, explaining that they were meant to be transparent about the content checks it performs.
  • Adobe confirmed that it uses both manual and automated scanning for content moderation, and that thumbnail creation is one reason for the terms.
  • Adobe assured users that it does not train its AI models on customer content and will never assume ownership of a customer's work.
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