According to Forbes, AI is expected to disrupt operational cybersecurity models in the near future. Risk management approaches and technology implementation will need to continually adapt to keep up with smart algorithms. Understanding AI’s potential uses, benefits, and drawbacks is crucial for the future of cybersecurity, as addressing novel and increasingly complex threats will be essential for maintaining business continuity and cyber-resilience.
Key takeaways:
- AI can be a powerful tool in cybersecurity, facilitating effective decision-making, monitoring network anomalies, spotting emerging dangers, and assisting in identity management.
- However, AI and machine learning can also be exploited by cybercriminals for malicious purposes, such as gaining access to networks and systems, creating deep fakes, and concealing malware in commonly downloaded programs.
- Forrester’s Research Paper outlines some of the ways AI can be used for malicious purposes in cybersecurity.
- Forbes suggests that AI will disrupt operational cybersecurity models in the near future, necessitating continual adaptation of risk management approaches and technology implementation to maintain business continuity and cyber-resilience.