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AI Avatar presents and chats with slides.

Dec 06, 2024 -
Slides Orator is a tool that uses AI to create live avatars that present slides in real time, generate voice-overs, and offer live chat based on the slide's content. The tool is applicable in various fields such as corporate training, class reviews, product introductions, and speech co-piloting. It can simulate presentations, generate narration, update the narration in real-time, and deliver it through a digital assistant, making communication more precise.

The use of Slides Orator significantly saves time for trainers and employees and improves the efficiency of internal information dissemination. By uploading simple knowledge points, a complete PPT explanation can be generated. The tool also reduces the need for multiple reception staff, as one person can explain various business fields to different types of visitors in detail. The website uses cookies and similar technologies for traffic analysis, content and ad personalization, social media features, and service improvement.

Key takeaways:

  • Slides Orator is a tool that uses AI to create live avatars that present slides and generate voice-over in real time.
  • It can be used in various fields including corporate training, class reviews, product introductions, and as a speech copilot.
  • Using Slides Orator can save significant time for trainers and employees and improve the efficiency of internal information dissemination.
  • The tool also allows for the generation of a complete PPT explanation by uploading simple knowledge points.
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