Hanmi Semiconductor, which was hit hard by the tech slump caused by inflation and macroeconomic uncertainties, is expected to benefit from the increased demand for its TSV TC Bonder, a key equipment for HBM chip production. HBM is a next-generation type of DRAM, a memory chip that enables devices to multitask, and is targeted for use in AI systems. The company was founded in 1980 by Kwak’s father, No-kwon, and listed on the Korea Stock Exchange in 2005.
Key takeaways:
- Kwak Dong-shin, CEO of Hanmi Semiconductor, has become South Korea's newest billionaire following a 56% surge in the company's shares since Thursday.
- Kwak is the largest shareholder of Hanmi Semiconductor, with a 35.5% stake in his own name. His net worth is estimated at $1.3 billion as of Monday’s close.
- Hanmi Semiconductor manufactures equipment used in semiconductor packaging and has more than 320 customers globally, including Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix.
- The company's shares jumped following a report from Samsung Securities that expects strong demand for HBM (high bandwidth memory) to bolster Hanmi Semiconductor’s revenue.