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AI chatbots are intruding into online communities where people are trying to connect with other humans

May 20, 2024 -
The article discusses the potential negative impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots responding to queries in online communities. The author argues that the human element is crucial in these communities, as people often seek advice or support from others with real, lived experiences. The author cites examples of AI chatbots providing false information or experiences in Facebook groups, which could undermine the trust and support systems in these communities. The author also highlights that while AI can be useful in certain contexts, it is not suitable for all situations, particularly where incorrect information could be harmful.

The article emphasizes the need for responsible AI development and deployment, which includes understanding the appropriate contexts for AI use and auditing for issues such as bias and misinformation. The author criticizes the current trend of using generative AI in all contexts, arguing that many situations, such as online support communities, are best left to humans. The author concludes by suggesting that AI should be kept in its lane and not be used to replace human interaction and support in online communities.

Key takeaways:

  • Meta AI, an artificial intelligence chatbot, has been integrated into Facebook and Instagram and can respond to posts in groups if tagged or if no one responds to a question within an hour. However, this feature is not yet available in all regions or for all groups.
  • Online communities are valuable for both information-seeking and social support, with the human component being critical. The introduction of chatbots into these spaces could undermine the benefits of human interaction and shared experiences.
  • While chatbots can be useful in some contexts, there is a tendency to overuse them in inappropriate contexts where incorrect information could be dangerous, such as an eating disorder helpline or legal advice for small businesses.
  • Responsible AI development and deployment should involve auditing for issues such as bias and misinformation, and understanding in which contexts AI is appropriate and desirable for the humans who will be interacting with them.
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