On the other hand, VC Elizabeth Yin of Hustle Fund argues that early-stage startups should utilize AI coding assistance as much as possible to quickly develop and iterate sample products. This approach contrasts with the pre-AI era when every pilot had to be coded manually. Renata Quintini of Renegade Partners also supports the use of AI for product-market fit discovery and testing. The increasing adoption of AI in development processes could potentially lead to the emergence of an AI agent workforce, with coders being the first to work alongside AI agents.
Key takeaways:
- AI coding may one day involve agents that can write programs themselves based on a natural language prompt, potentially replacing human engineers.
- Startups like Replit and Bubble are already generating code from natural language prompts.
- VC Corinne Riley believes that while AI coding assistants are useful, they should not replace human engineers in young companies.
- VC Elizabeth Yin argues that AI coding assistance can help early-stage startups move faster and learn quickly, even if the work needs to be carefully rebuilt later.