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AI could help recruit and reduce bias in hiring, especially in tech

Jan 14, 2024 -
Artificial intelligence (AI) could help reduce bias in hiring, particularly in male-dominated fields like tech, according to research by Andreas Leibbrandt, an economist at Australia's Monash University. The study found that women were more likely to apply for a job when they knew their application would be reviewed by AI rather than humans, suggesting they perceive less bias from AI. However, men were less likely to complete an application when they knew it would be scored by AI.

Other researchers are also exploring how AI can improve hiring. For example, uses AI-powered text chats to screen job applicants, a method that puts less pressure on candidates and could make the process fairer. However, Leibbrandt and others stress that while AI can be a useful tool in the hiring process, humans should always make the final decision.

Key takeaways:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially reduce bias in hiring, particularly in male-dominated fields like tech, according to research by Andreas Leibbrandt, an economist at Australia's Monash University.
  • Women were more likely to apply for jobs when they knew their applications would be reviewed by AI rather than humans, suggesting they perceive less bias from AI.
  • Despite the potential benefits of AI in hiring, Leibbrandt believes humans should always make the final decision on hiring, viewing AI as a tool that can be beneficial if used correctly.
  • Other applications of AI in hiring include AI-powered text chats to screen job applicants, which can reduce pressure on candidates and potentially draw in more applicants in a tight labor market.
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