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AI fakes related to the Israel-Hamas war have been limited and unconvincing, but the possibility of such fakes circulating leads some to dismiss genuine content

Oct 28, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from October 28, 2023, providing a snapshot of the top tech news at 2:10 PM ET. The news coverage includes a wide range of sources such as The Verge, Engadget, Mashable, Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, TechCrunch, and more. The page also features threads from various tech influencers and experts on Twitter.

The news topics are diverse, covering areas like social media, digital music, cryptocurrency, law, finance, and more. The page also includes sections for sponsor posts, tech job listings, upcoming tech events, and earlier news picks. The page ends with a note about its archival nature and a link to the most current version of the site.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry but the provided text does not contain any specific article or content from which key points or takeaways could be extracted. It seems to be a list of references, mentions, and sources from a tech news aggregation site, but without any specific articles or content being discussed. Please provide a specific article or content for analysis.
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