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AI fever turns Anguilla’s “.ai” domain into a digital gold mine

Sep 01, 2023 -
Anguilla, a small British island territory in the Caribbean, is expected to generate up to $30 million in revenue this year from its ".ai" domain name, a significant increase from the $7.4 million it earned in 2021. The surge in interest in AI has made the ".ai" domain highly attractive to tech companies, providing a significant boost to Anguilla's economy, which has been affected by the pandemic and primarily relies on tourism.

The country has been managing the ".ai" domain since 1995, and the recent AI boom has led to a doubling of registrations in the past year. High-profile AI startups like and have contributed to this unexpected revenue stream by choosing web addresses ending in ".ai". This income from ".ai" domain registrations is a significant portion of Anguilla's GDP, demonstrating how even a small island can benefit from a global tech boom.

Key takeaways:

  • Anguilla, a small British island territory in the Caribbean, is expected to generate up to $30 million in revenue this year from its ".ai" domain name, which has become highly attractive to tech companies due to the growing interest in AI.
  • The revenue from the domain registrations is a significant boost for Anguilla's economy, which is primarily dependent on tourism and has been affected by the pandemic.
  • Anguilla has been managing the ".ai" domain since 1995, and the demand has significantly increased recently, with the revenue from .ai domain registrations in 2021 being only $7.4 million.
  • While some experts predict a potential decline in the demand for ".ai" domains as the AI hype cools down, the impact on Anguilla's economy is already substantial, with the revenue from ".ai" domain registrations making up a significant percentage of the territory's GDP.
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