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AI Is Taking Over Accounting Jobs As People Leave The Profession

May 18, 2024 -
The accounting profession is experiencing a talent drain as experienced accountants are leaving for careers in finance, human resources, and banking, and fewer students are pursuing accounting degrees. This shift, coupled with the fear of job loss due to artificial intelligence, is posing a significant challenge to the sector. However, accounting startup Puzzle is leveraging AI to streamline accounting and financial management, addressing the talent shortage.

Puzzle, founded by Sasha Orloff, is developing a modern accounting software package that integrates with various fintech tools. The AI-powered software automates core tasks, reducing human error and providing real-time financial statements. The aim is to support founders in making critical financial decisions and prevent failures due to inadequate financial practices or lack of accounting expertise.

Key takeaways:

  • The accounting profession is facing a talent shortage as experienced accountants are leaving for careers in finance, human resources and banking, and fewer students are pursuing accounting degrees.
  • More than 300,000 U.S. accountants and auditors left their jobs between 2019 and 2021, a 15.9% decrease in the number of accountants in the U.S. since 2019.
  • Factors such as long working hours, relatively modest pay, lack of work-life balance and the threat of being replaced by automation are pushing accountants to explore non-accounting roles.
  • Puzzle, an accounting startup, is leveraging AI and automation to streamline accounting and financial management where there is currently a talent shortage. The AI-powered accounting software for startups takes the best of Quickbooks, OpenAI and Stripe, automating core tasks and reducing human error.
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