AI Load Test Generation ✨ - Multiple | Documentation
Jan 18, 2024 -
The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to generate a test using Multiple's TestGen feature. It begins by outlining the limitations, such as only supporting REST APIs, file size not exceeding 5MB, and specific requirements for OpenAPI and HAR. The process starts by uploading the OpenAPI specification or HAR file from the Multiple dashboard. Multiple will then create a list of endpoints from the provided file, which the user can select and sequence according to their needs.
The user can then verify and update the generated query strings and request bodies for each endpoint. The faker library can be used in request bodies. After validation, the user can generate the test. The generated test code is included in a class called AutoGeneratedMxTestSpec, which the user should review and adjust as necessary. Once the code is validated, the load test can be run.
Key takeaways:
The tool only supports REST APIs, files under 5 MB, and OpenAPI 3.x.x specifications in JSON format.
Users can upload their OpenAPI specification or HAR file to start generating a test.
Endpoints from the uploaded file can be selected and sequenced to create a new load test, and query strings and request bodies can be generated and modified.
After reviewing and validating the generated test code, the load test can be run.