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AI models have favorite numbers, because they think they're people | TechCrunch

May 28, 2024 -
The article discusses an interesting behavior of AI models, where they pick random numbers in a way that mimics human behavior. The author explains that humans tend to overthink and misunderstand randomness, which is evident when they are asked to pick a random number between 0 and 100. Similarly, AI models, when asked to pick a random number, show a bias towards certain numbers and avoid others. This behavior is not because AI models understand randomness, but because they are trained to mimic human responses.

The author emphasizes that AI models do not think or understand, but merely imitate human responses based on their training data. This is why their responses often feel human-like. The author concludes by reminding readers that AI models are essentially stochastic parrots, imitating human behavior without any understanding or reasoning capability.

Key takeaways:

  • AI models often pick random numbers in a way that mirrors human behavior, showing biases and avoiding certain numbers.
  • An experiment by Gramener found that major LLM chatbots, when asked to pick a random number between 0 and 100, did not produce truly random results.
  • These AI models don't understand randomness, they simply repeat what was most often written in their training data after a similar question.
  • Despite appearing to show human-like behavior, these AI models don't think or understand, they simply imitate human responses based on their training data.
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