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AI Models Need Water Consumption to Work that Can Create a Worldwide Water Crisis

Dec 08, 2023 -
The article discusses the environmental impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly its water consumption. Research by Shaolei Ren at the University of California reveals that AI models like ChatGPT require about 500 millimeters of water every 10-15 prompts, with the exact amount depending on the model's location. The water is necessary for cooling the data centers that power these AI models. Major tech companies like Microsoft and Google have reported significant water usage, with Microsoft consuming 1.7 billion gallons per year and Google using 5.6 billion gallons in 2022.

Ren warns that if this water consumption issue is not addressed, it could derail efforts towards sustainable AI. The public is already sensitive about water issues, and the revelation of AI's water consumption could lead to backlash. Both Microsoft and Google have stated that they are working on reducing water consumption and making their AI models more efficient. However, they also note that while technology is progressing, it is not doing so at the rate many people believe, indicating that achieving sustainability will be a challenge.

Key takeaways:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, such as ChatGPT, require significant amounts of water to function, according to research by Shaolei Ren from the University of California.
  • The water is primarily used to cool down the data centers that power these AI models, with companies like Microsoft and Google reporting high water consumption rates.
  • There are concerns that if this water consumption issue is not addressed, it could hinder the sustainability of AI and cause public backlash, given the importance of water for survival.
  • Both Microsoft and Google are reportedly working on ways to decrease water consumption and make their AI models more efficient and sustainable.
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