Despite the push from vendors, buyers remain unconvinced about the value of AI PCs. Atwal suggests that businesses are waiting for an AI platform that offers future-proofing. The introduction of Windows 11 and budget constraints add to the confusion. Dell and Lenovo believe that the need to upgrade to Windows 11 and the end of Windows 10 support in 2025 will prompt users to upgrade to AI PCs. However, Atwal predicts that AI pricing will have to give in 2025.
Key takeaways:
- The high cost of AI PCs and a lack of compelling applications are causing confusion among customers looking to upgrade their systems before Windows 10 support ends, according to a senior Gartner analyst.
- Despite the push from vendors, businesses are hesitant to move to AI PCs due to the premium price and are waiting for an AI platform that offers more future-proofing.
- Both Dell and HP have noted that customers are slower to refresh their existing computer fleets than anticipated, with the end of Windows 10 support in 2025 being a potential catalyst for change.
- AI PCs currently make up 20 percent of global shipments, with forecasts predicting they will account for almost 50 million units in 2024, but buyers remain unconvinced about their value.