The AI bot can be trained on community conversations, online knowledge bases, websites, and PDFs. It provides deep insights into community needs, allowing for continuous enhancement of its performance. The bot's performance can be measured, reviewed, and improved with ease, providing a comprehensive view of feedback and total queries solved. Threado AI has received positive feedback from users, who appreciate its ability to scale personal touch across communities, manage and scale communities efficiently, and automate playbooks for community engagement.
Key takeaways:
- Threado AI is an AI sidekick that can be set up in minutes to provide instant support on platforms like Slack, Discord, or a webpage.
- The AI can be trained with community conversations, help documents, and other resources, and its performance can be tested and fine-tuned.
- Threado AI offers instant support, actionable insights, smarter workflows, and efficient email marketing to delight customers and build better communities.
- Users can gain deep insights into community needs, train the AI accordingly, and continuously enhance its performance. The AI's performance can be measured, reviewed, and improved with ease.