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AI Sucks at Code Reviews

Nov 15, 2024 -
The article discusses the limitations of AI code reviewers, arguing that while they are efficient, they often produce false positives, lack understanding of the broader context and intent behind code changes, and can't engage in meaningful discussions about identified issues. The author also points out that AI reviewers don't understand team dynamics and can't distinguish between a new hire and a seasoned engineer, which is crucial in the review process.

Despite these limitations, AI reviewers are praised for their speed, efficiency, and ability to enforce code standards and best practices. They are also good at spotting low-level bugs and security vulnerabilities. The author concludes that while AI can't replace human reviewers, it can complement them by handling repetitive tasks and freeing them up to focus on strategic thinking, mentorship, and building great software.

Key takeaways:

  • AI code reviewers often produce false positives and lack the ability to understand the broader context of a codebase, making them less effective than human reviewers.
  • AI reviewers are unable to understand the intent behind code changes, limiting their ability to provide nuanced feedback.
  • Despite their limitations, AI reviewers excel in speed, efficiency, and enforcing coding standards and best practices.
  • Human reviewers are irreplaceable due to their ability to understand context, foster team spirit, mentorship, and accountability, qualities that AI cannot replicate.
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