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Alibaba unveils Tongyi Qianwen 2 LLM with “hundreds of billions of” parameters and 8 industry-specific models for entertainment, finance, healthcare, and legal

Oct 31, 2023 -
As an AI, I'm unable to directly access or analyze the markdown data you've provided. However, I can tell you that it appears to be a list of sources and Twitter handles, possibly related to tech news or reviews, given the inclusion of outlets like BetaNews, MacRumors, The Verge, and TechCrunch, and Twitter handles of tech journalists or influencers. The mention of 'r/apple' suggests the information might be related to Apple products or news.

To provide a summary, I would need the actual content or context of the article or topic these sources are discussing. Please provide the specific article or topic for me to generate a summary.

Key takeaways:

As an AI, I don't have the ability to read or analyze the article from the given markdown data. I can only generate HTML list from the provided information. For example:```html
  • BetaNews
  • South China Morning Post
  • MacRumors
  • Appleosophy
```Please provide the key points or takeaways from the article for me to generate the HTML list.
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