Images created with the Titan Image Generator will come with a "tamper-resistant" invisible watermark by default. This is an attempt to curb the spread of AI-generated misinformation and abusive imagery. The specifics of the watermarking technique and the tools capable of detecting it are not yet clear. The watermarking is part of Amazon's voluntary commitment around AI that it signed with the White House in July.
Key takeaways:
- Amazon has introduced the Titan Image Generator, a tool that can create or customize images based on text descriptions, available in preview for AWS customers on Bedrock, Amazon's AI development platform.
- The Titan Image Generator was trained on a diverse set of datasets across a broad range of domains and includes built-in mitigations for toxicity and bias.
- Amazon will protect customers accused of violating copyright with images generated by Titan Image Generator, in line with its AI indemnification policy.
- Images created with Titan Image Generator will come with a "tamper-resistant" invisible watermark by default, as part of Amazon's efforts to mitigate the spread of AI-generated misinformation and abuse imagery.