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Amazon Launches Chatbot With Almost Same Name as OpenAI's Controversial Secret AI

Nov 29, 2023 -
OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman was recently dismissed under unclear circumstances, amidst rumors of a secretive and powerful new AI model, Q*, being developed at the company. However, Amazon's cloud computing division has just announced a new AI chatbot for businesses, called Amazon Q, potentially outpacing OpenAI in terms of branding.

Amazon Q is not intended to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT, but rather with Microsoft's AI developer assistant, Copilot. The name "Q" is a play on the word "question" and a reference to a "Star Trek" character, according to Adam Selipsky, the chief executive of Amazon Web Services. It remains to be seen how OpenAI will respond to Amazon's move in terms of marketing strategy for its own Q* model.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was recently dismissed under unclear circumstances, with some speculating it may be related to a secretive new AI model called Q*.
  • Amazon's cloud computing division has announced a new AI chatbot for businesses named Amazon Q, which is intended to compete with Microsoft's AI developer assistant, Copilot.
  • The name "Q" for Amazon's new AI is a play on the word "question" and a reference to a "Star Trek" character, according to Amazon Web Services CEO Adam Selipsky.
  • With Amazon's introduction of a "Q"-branded product, it is uncertain whether OpenAI will need to change its marketing strategy for its own Q* model.
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