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An Apple Vision Pro rival has been in the VR game longer and gone a lot further

Mar 05, 2024 -
The article discusses the evolution of HTC's Vive virtual reality headsets from gaming devices to tools used by businesses, hospitals, and militaries worldwide. The company's latest update, polygon streaming, enhances the quality of 3D objects in Vive's metaverse, making virtual realities more tangible. HTC's senior director of product operations for Viverse, John Dabill, explains that the Viverse platform allows businesses to have a permanent presence in a spatial collaboration environment, which can be used for various activities, creating time and cost savings.

HTC Vive headsets are being used in various sectors, including healthcare for training medical professionals, and even in space by astronauts on the International Space Station. The company is also developing AI solutions for its Viverse platform, including real-time language translation and AI avatars for business support. Despite the buzz around Apple's Vision Pro, HTC welcomes the competition, believing it adds credibility to the VR industry.

Key takeaways:

  • HTC's Vive virtual reality headsets, initially designed for gaming, have evolved into a business product used by various industries including healthcare, military, and automotive for training and virtual meetups.
  • The company's Viverse platform, a version of the metaverse, operates as a persistent space allowing businesses to have a permanent presence for various activities, creating time and cost savings.
  • HTC Vive headsets are also being used in unique environments such as the International Space Station, providing astronauts with a virtual escape during their exercise routines.
  • HTC has welcomed Apple's entry into the VR space with the Apple Vision Pro, viewing it as adding credibility to the industry, and is also integrating AI solutions into its Viverse platform for real-time language translation and meeting assistance.
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