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An Eight Minute Meeting App, Execs Go Cautious On AI And More

Jan 22, 2024 -
The Future of Work newsletter from Forbes discusses the latest trends in remote work and disruptive technologies. It highlights a new startup called Roam, which aims to reduce the time spent in meetings by creating a virtual office environment that encourages impromptu interactions rather than scheduled Zoom calls. The newsletter also discusses the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, where AI was a buzzword, but surveys show executives feel AI has not yet moved beyond the hype.

The newsletter also covers job cuts in tech companies like Wayfair, Google, Amazon, Macy's, and Twitch, and a new bipartisan tax proposal that would end the Employee Retention Credit program. It mentions the departure of Sheryl Sandberg from Meta's board of directors and an interview with Greenhouse's Chief People Officer, Donald Knight, about the generational aspect of remote work and the impact of AI on recruiting. The newsletter ends with a quiz about a standardized test going digital in 2024.

Key takeaways:

  • Roam, a startup that offers a pared-down virtual HQ prioritizing audio and doing away with avatars and video bubbles, has seen organizations increase their number of meetings but decrease the time spent in them after using their app.
  • Despite AI being a buzzword at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, new surveys show executives feel AI has yet to progress past the hype, with 66% of leaders uncertain or dissatisfied with their company’s progress on AI.
  • Job cuts continue in the tech industry with companies like Wayfair, Google, Amazon, Macy’s and Twitch announcing plans to reduce their workforce.
  • Sheryl Sandberg, the former chief operating officer at Meta, is leaving the company’s board of directors after more than a decade, marking the end of an era.
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