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Dec 21, 2024 -
Andoria is an intelligent tool designed to assist users directly within web applications by learning how the product works. It offers a new feature called Teach Mode, which allows users to demonstrate specific or advanced workflows that Andoria can then replicate for other users. This feature aims to enhance user experience by providing tailored guidance without the need for extensive manual setup.

The setup process for Andoria is minimal, requiring only the insertion of a script tag into the HTML of the application. Once integrated, Andoria interacts with the application to generate walkthroughs when users encounter difficulties. Additionally, it automatically adapts to any changes made to the user interface, eliminating the need for manual updates.

Key takeaways:

  • Andoria helps users by learning how your product works and providing guidance directly within your web application.
  • The newly launched Teach Mode allows you to demonstrate specific workflows to Andoria, which it can then replicate for users.
  • Andoria requires minimal setup, as it can be run by simply pasting a script tag into your HTML.
  • It adapts to changes in your UI automatically, eliminating the need for manual updates.
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