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'Animate Anyone' heralds the approach of full-motion deepfakes | TechCrunch

Dec 04, 2023 -
Researchers at Alibaba Group’s Institute for Intelligent Computing have developed a new generative video technique called Animate Anyone. This technique allows for the creation of realistic videos from a single still image, improving upon previous models such as DisCo and DreamPose. The model extracts details from a reference image and maps them onto slightly different poses, creating a series of images. The technology is not perfect, with issues around the eyes, hands, and drastic pose changes, but it represents a significant advancement in the field.

The implications of this technology are concerning, as it could enable malicious actors to create convincing deepfake videos from a single image. Combined with facial animation and voice capture technology, it could be used to make a person appear to say or do anything. The developers are preparing the demo and code for public release, raising questions about the potential misuse of this technology.

Key takeaways:

  • Researchers at Alibaba Group’s Institute for Intelligent Computing have developed a new generative video technique called Animate Anyone, which can create realistic videos from still images.
  • The technique extracts details like facial features, patterns, and pose from a reference image, then maps those details onto slightly different poses to create a series of images.
  • While the technology is not perfect and struggles with certain aspects like the eyes and hands, it is a significant improvement over previous models, producing fewer artifacts and retaining more important details.
  • The developers are preparing the demo and code for public release, raising concerns about the potential misuse of the technology to create deepfakes.
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