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Anthropic researchers: AI models can be trained to deceive and the most commonly used AI safety techniques had little to no effect on the deceptive behaviors

Jan 13, 2024 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from January 13, 2024, providing a snapshot of the site as it appeared at 4:55 PM ET. The page includes top news from various sources such as TechCrunch, The Verge, PCMag, Engadget, and more. It also lists threads and mentions from several tech influencers and experts on Twitter.

The page also features sponsor posts, hiring updates in tech, and information about upcoming tech events. It provides links to more news from sources like The Daily Hodl, Crypto Daily, Cryptopolitan, Cointelegraph, and others. The page ends with a section on earlier picks from various tech and crypto news outlets.

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I'm sorry, but the provided text seems to be a site archive or a summary of various articles and news from different sources, rather than a single article. Therefore, it's not possible to extract four key points from it. Please provide a specific article for a more accurate response.
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