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Apple Boosts Spending to Develop Conversational AI

Sep 06, 2023 -
Apple is significantly increasing its budget for developing artificial intelligence, with a focus on creating features that allow iPhone users to automate tasks using simple voice commands. This could potentially enable users to instruct Siri to perform complex tasks, such as creating a GIF from recent photos and texting it to a friend, without needing to manually program each step.

Four years ago, Apple's AI head, John Giannandrea, foresaw the potential of conversational AI and formed a team to develop large-language models. This decision appears to have been forward-thinking, as evidenced by the recent success of ChatGPT, a chatbot that has sparked a surge in language model development.

Key takeaways:

  • Apple is significantly increasing its budget for developing artificial intelligence, spending millions of dollars per day.
  • One of the goals is to develop features that allow iPhone users to automate tasks using simple voice commands.
  • Four years ago, Apple's head of AI, John Giannandrea, authorized the formation of a team to develop conversational AI, known as large-language models.
  • This move appears to be forward-thinking, as it preceded the launch of ChatGPT, a chatbot that sparked a surge in language models.
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