The move comes as Apple seeks to boost its presence in the AI market, with plans to unveil later this year. The company is also investing in its own AI technology to enhance apps like Siri, photo editing, and email. However, Apple is facing a major antitrust lawsuit by the Justice Department in the US, adding to its challenges in the tech market.
Key takeaways:
- Apple is reportedly in talks with Baidu, Google, and OpenAI to bring AI technology to its iPhones, with a focus on complying with local laws in China.
- The company is also investing in building its own AI technology to enhance apps like Siri, photo editing, and email.
- Apple has been relatively late to the AI market, with plans to unveil its strategy later this year.
- While Apple CEO Tim Cook is in China to strengthen the company's commitment, Apple is facing a major antitrust lawsuit by the Justice Department in the US.