Apple is also promoting the gaming and AI capabilities of its latest laptops. The company claims the new devices offer accelerated performance on games like No Man's Sky and highlights the power of its neural engine contained in the M3 chip. Apple suggests the new MacBook Air can handle AI models, such as the AI app FreeChat, on the device itself. The company is positioning the M3 chip as 60% more powerful than the M1, a claim that has been found to be fairly accurate in recent MacBook Pro reviews and benchmarks.
Key takeaways:
- Apple's new MacBook Air is powered by the M3 chip, supports WiFi 6E for faster download speeds, and can support two external displays when the laptop is closed.
- The new MacBook Air starts at $1,099 for the 13-inch model and $1,299 for the 15-inch model, with preorders starting Monday and full availability on Thursday, March 8.
- Apple is promoting the power of its latest laptops for gaming and AI capabilities, with the M3 chip's neural engine claimed to run some AI models on the device itself.
- While the M3 chip is promoted as 60% more powerful than the M1, casual users may not notice a significant difference in performance between the two.