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Applying AI To Support The Front Line Of Healthcare

Feb 22, 2024 -
Matt Hollingsworth, CEO and Co-founder of Carta Healthcare, discusses the role of AI in healthcare, specifically focusing on whether AI should replace or assist people. He argues that AI should assist, not replace, as most attempts to replace human tasks with AI have failed, especially in healthcare. Hollingsworth uses the example of ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, to illustrate his point. He presents two scenarios: one where patients directly interact with the chatbot, and another where a subject matter expert (SME) acts as an intermediary between the patient and the chatbot.

Hollingsworth found that direct interaction with the chatbot can lead to misinformation and confusion, as the AI can make mistakes. However, when an SME is involved, they can correct any inaccuracies and use the AI to expedite their responses, thus saving time. He concludes that while AI can help save time in drafting responses to patient questions, it should not be trusted to interface directly with patients. This principle, he suggests, should be applied to all AI applications in healthcare.

Key takeaways:

  • Matt Hollingsworth, CEO and Co-founder of Carta Healthcare, believes that AI should assist people, not replace them, especially in healthcare.
  • AI generates true value when it augments a subject matter expert (SME) rather than replaces them, as demonstrated by two different scenarios involving a ChatGPT-powered chatbot.
  • Direct patient interaction with a ChatGPT-powered chatbot can lead to misinformation and confusion, as AI can make mistakes and 'hallucinate' responses.
  • Keeping a human SME in the loop between patient questions and responses, even with the use of AI, is currently the best practice for deploying AI in healthcare.
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