However, the platform has raised ethical questions and real-world impacts. It has been used to create nonconsensual deepfakes of celebrities and explicit images of underage individuals. The article also highlights the bias in the AI models, which often default to depicting white or Asian people and certain body types unless explicitly instructed otherwise. Despite these issues, Unstable Diffusion is seeking investment to improve its services and expand its community. However, the group faces challenges in obtaining traditional VC funding due to its adult content and issues around artist consent and compensation.
Key takeaways:
- As AI-generated porn becomes more mainstream, ethical questions and real-world impacts are increasing, including nonconsensual deepfakes and the use of AI to create child sexual abuse material.
- Unstable Diffusion, one of the original groups behind AI porn generators, has continued to develop its technology despite these concerns, and now claims to have a user base of over 350,000 people generating over half a million images daily.
- Despite its origins in adult content, Unstable Diffusion is looking to rebrand and expand into a software-as-a-service business, offering a platform for AI art that "upholds the freedom of expression".
- Unstable Diffusion claims to have a robust content moderation system in place, but the system has been criticized for its ability to generate explicit child imagery and deepfakes of celebrities, raising further ethical and legal concerns.