Greg Gilbert launched his first iOS app, Ascent, on the Apple App Store in September 2023. Despite having no prior knowledge of Swift and SwiftUI, he managed to build the app in less than two months, largely due to the assistance of AI. Gilbert admits that while he had some programming experience, the AI was instrumental in the development process, particularly during the initial stages.
Ascent is a Christian habit tracker designed to help users form habits. Gilbert's experience with the app development process was largely a learning one, with most of the learning occurring during long debugging sessions. Despite the challenges, he expresses amazement at how far the AI was able to assist him in the process.
Key takeaways:
Greg Gilbert launched his first iOS app, Ascent, on the Apple App Store in less than two months without prior knowledge of Swift and SwiftUI.
He heavily relied on AI to get started with the app development.
Despite being a programmer, he found the process challenging but educational, especially during the debugging sessions.
The Ascent app is designed to help Christians form habits.