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Ask HN: Fast/cheap epaper badge for real time speech to text with deaf friends?

May 12, 2024 -
The author is seeking to create a cost-effective, real-time epaper badge for their lapel to assist in communicating with their deaf friends. They reference a similar product, the Satellite Displays Badger smart badge, but express a desire to create their own version due to cost considerations and a preference for real-time translation. The author suggests that an esp32 epaper device, networked to a local server running a fast implementation of OpenAI whisper, might be a suitable solution. They are seeking advice or experiences from others who may have attempted something similar.

The author emphasizes the importance of latency in conversation, suggesting that a near real-time translation would allow for more fluid communication. They also mention that they are willing to do some programming themselves to achieve this goal. The author's main concerns are cost and the ability to have a conversation that flows naturally.

Key takeaways:

  • The user is interested in creating an epaper badge for real-time communication with deaf friends.
  • They reference a similar product, the Badger smart badge, but want to create their own for cost efficiency and latency reasons.
  • The user suggests using an esp32 epaper device that transmits to a local server running OpenAI whisper for near real-time conversation.
  • The user is seeking advice or experiences from others who have attempted or completed similar projects.
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