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Ask HN: How do you define an "AI engineer"?

Apr 10, 2024 -
The article provides a web app engineer's perspective on language learning models (LLMs) and their application. The engineer describes the process as similar to working with search engine technology like Elastic, where customer text input is taken, processed through APIs, and results are delivered, likely over HTTP. However, the APIs used in this context may maintain state, keeping track of inputs, context, and outputs.

The author suggests that those working on this aspect of LLMs are more akin to API/backend engineers, as they need to understand the specific AI/LLM data model and its use cases, but they are not the ones who originally engineered the model. That task falls to R&D engineers, who the author refers to as AI engineers. These AI engineers build the data models that others then use.

Key takeaways:

  • A web app engineer's perspective on LLMs involves taking customer text input, calling APIs, and delivering results over HTTP.
  • LLMs ingest and organize text data, and provide APIs to output text based on certain inputs, similar to working on Elastic or other search engine technology.
  • The APIs being called likely maintain state by keeping track of inputs, context, and outputs.
  • The role of an API/backend engineer in this context involves understanding the AI/LLM data model and its use cases, but not necessarily engineering the data model themselves. This is typically the job of R&D engineers, who are referred to as AI engineers.
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