The author is interested in hearing how others have approached this dilemma, especially those who have had to make similar choices in their careers. They are questioning if the comfort of using a preferred language should outweigh the potential for learning and growth in a new field, or if it's valid to prioritize language preference due to its centrality in day-to-day work.
Key takeaways:
- The author is contemplating career paths, particularly moving into AI/ML, and is wondering how much programming language preference should influence career decisions.
- The author has a strong preference for strongly typed languages like Go, which has become a significant part of their professional identity and comfort in coding.
- However, they acknowledge that AI/ML fields often favor more dynamically typed languages like Python, and are unsure whether the potential for learning and growth in a new domain should outweigh their comfort with a preferred language.
- The author is seeking advice from others who may have faced similar decisions in their careers, and is curious about how they approached the situation.