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Ask HN: Washed out PHP Dev – What to do next?

Dec 28, 2023 -
The author, a 39-year-old resident of London, has recently left a five-year job in vanilla PHP and is considering what to learn next. They describe themselves as a junior to mid-level PHP developer and a very junior Python developer, with average intelligence and the ability to focus for a few hours each day. They are in good health, having quit alcohol, and have enough savings to last for about four months.

Initially, they considered learning Laravel and React, but found that the job market for these skills in London is small compared to Python. However, they noticed that many Python job listings also require additional skills such as AWS, Node, AI, and big data. They are now seeking advice on what to branch into next.

Key takeaways:

  • The individual is 39 years old, lives in London, and has a background in PHP.
  • They are considering learning Laravel and React, but are concerned about the job market in London for these skills.
  • They have noticed a larger job market for Python, but this often requires additional skills such as AWS, Node, Ai, and big data.
  • The individual has quit alcohol, is in good fitness, and has enough funds to support themselves for about 4 months.
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