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Ask HN: What book bit, stung and shook you deeply?

Jul 04, 2024 -
The article discusses a quote from Kafka on the type of books one should read. According to Kafka, books should "bite and sting" and "wake us up with a blow to the head". They should affect us deeply, like a personal disaster or the death of a loved one. The purpose of such books is not to make us happy, but to act as an axe for the frozen sea within us.

The author then asks the readers if they have ever read a book that had such a profound impact on them. The readers are prompted to reflect on how such a book affected them and what reading it did to them. The quote from Kafka is cited from a letter to Oskar Pollak, dated 27th January 1904.

Key takeaways:

  • Kafka believes that one should only read books that provoke a strong emotional response, akin to a disaster or personal tragedy.
  • He argues that if a book does not 'wake us up with a blow to the head', it is not worth reading.
  • Books that merely make us happy could be written by ourselves, but we need books that challenge us and stir deep emotions.
  • A book, according to Kafka, must be like an axe that breaks the frozen sea within us, implying that literature should have the power to transform and awaken us.
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