Ask HN: What development related stuff do you pay for?
Sep 16, 2023 -
The user, smoldesu, shares their experience with using NameCheap for domain name services. They express satisfaction with the service but consider switching for a change in their next purchase. They also mention using Oracle's free program for their main Virtual Private Servers (VPSes), which they claim costs them nothing. Occasionally, they opt for a spot instance through Oracle or AWS.
In terms of expenses, the user reveals that they spend more on a Bitwig license than they do on their cumulative development subscriptions. This suggests that their development-related costs are relatively low.
Key takeaways:
The user pays NameCheap for a domain name but might switch providers for variety.
The user's main VPSes are through Oracle's free program.
Occasionally, the user pays for a spot instance through Oracle or AWS.
The user pays more for a Bitwig license than for development subscriptions.