The tool also ensures secure and compliant connections from the user's local computer and private network, keeping all credentials safe. It supports ChatGPT Enterprise for enhanced security and privacy. The article also provides a brief FAQ section, explaining how to use the tool, its static IP for whitelisting, and its data collection policy, which does not include database credentials, queries, or results.
Key takeaways:
- AskYourDatabase is powered by ChatGPT and allows users to interact with their SQL/NoSQL databases without the need for complex scripts or coding.
- It offers features like Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, and Schema Design & Migration, all without the need for a data engineer or writing code.
- AskYourDatabase ensures enterprise-grade security, allowing users to connect to their database from their local computer & private network, keeping all credentials safe and private.
- AskYourDatabase does not collect, store, or transmit any request data like database credentials, queries, or results, ensuring user privacy and data security.