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Authors Brian Keene, Abdi Nazemian, and Stewart O'Nan sue Nvidia over allegedly using their work to train NeMo, and say Nvidia “admitted” to using the books

Mar 11, 2024 -
The article is a Techmeme archive page from March 11, 2024, which provides a snapshot of the site as it appeared at 6:40 AM ET. It includes a compilation of top news from various sources such as PCMag, Music Ally, AFK Gaming, Business Insider, Engadget, TechNode, Newsmax, Daily Mail, Forbes, Dexerto, and NewsBytes. It also features threads and posts from various Twitter users.

The page also includes sections for sponsor posts, hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events. It also provides links to more news from other sources like GameSpot, GamingBolt, Game Rant, Forbes, Video Games Chronicle, and Push Square, as well as posts from LinkedIn users. The page ends with a section for earlier picks from sources like TechCrunch, ZDNet, Lifewire, The US Sun, FlatpanelsHD, 9to5Google, BGR, Android Authority, Tom's Guide, PCMag, and Gizmodo.

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