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Automatic people analytics & performance management

Aug 15, 2023 -
Intelogos is a performance management tool that automates the process of understanding team performance and providing feedback. It collects performance data and generates suggestions to help teams grow. The tool offers personal stats that provide deep human analytics, describing the main criteria that determine success at work. These stats are measured in real-time and updated daily.

The tool also anticipates problems and seizes opportunities by analyzing thousands of data points each second, providing summary observations and suggestions on what to do next. It also offers a dashboard that gives an overview of all the main things happening in the company, such as time offs, leaderboards, and team-building opportunities. The aim of Intelogos is to help companies understand their teams better and improve their work.

Key takeaways:

  • Intelogos is a tool that automates performance management by collecting data and generating suggestions for team growth.
  • It provides deep human analytics in real-time, offering insights into the main criteria that determine success at work.
  • Intelogos can anticipate problems and seize opportunities by analyzing thousands of data points each second and providing summary observations and suggestions.
  • The dashboard feature provides an overview of all main activities within the company, including time offs, leaderboards, company performance, and teambuilding opportunities.
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