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Bing's new 'Deep Search' feature offers more comprehensive answers to complex search queries | TechCrunch

Dec 05, 2023 -
Microsoft Bing is introducing a new feature called "Deep Search," powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, designed to provide more relevant and comprehensive answers to complex search queries. The feature enhances Bing's current web index and ranking system by expanding search queries into more detailed descriptions of what the results should include. It also identifies all possible intents for ambiguous queries and creates comprehensive descriptions for each, allowing users to select the right one.

Deep Search pulls relevant results that often don't appear in typical search results by finding pages that might match the expanded query, rewriting the query, and searching for those variations. It then ranks the web pages based on how well they match the expanded description, considering factors like topic match, detail level, trustworthiness, and popularity. The feature is optional and can take up to thirty seconds to complete, making it unsuitable for every query or user.

Key takeaways:

  • Microsoft Bing is introducing a new feature called 'Deep Search', powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, designed to provide more relevant and comprehensive answers to complex search queries.
  • Deep Search expands the user's search query into a more comprehensive description, allowing for a deeper exploration of the web and more specific search results.
  • Deep Search is not a replacement for Bing’s existing web search, but an enhancement that can take up to thirty seconds to complete, making it optional for users.
  • Once the expanded description has been created, Bing will pull relevant results that often don’t show up in typical search results, and ranks them based on how well they match the expanded description.
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