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Building a Jarvis-like AI Program with ZeroLM & ChatGPT

May 11, 2024 -
This article provides a detailed tutorial on how to create a voice-activated AI assistant using ZeroLM API and Python. The assistant, named "ZLM GPT," is designed to understand and respond to user inputs through voice. The tutorial covers the requirements, prerequisites, and a step-by-step guide on how to code the assistant, including how to set up environment variables, import libraries, initialize constants, define utility functions, and create the main loop.

The assistant works by recording ambient noise to set a sound threshold for detecting voice commands, converting the user's voice to text, sending this text to ZeroLM for a response, and then converting this response back to speech for the user. The article concludes by encouraging readers to expand upon this foundation and utilize the extensive capabilities of ZeroLM to develop more advanced applications.

Key takeaways:

  • The tutorial provides a guide on how to develop a basic voice-activated assistant using ZeroLM and various Python libraries.
  • The assistant is capable of understanding and responding to user inputs through voice, using ZeroLM API, a platform that leverages powerful language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.
  • The Python code used to create the AI assistant is broken down into sections and explained in detail, including how to handle API calls, convert speech to text and text to speech, and record and play audio.
  • The tutorial concludes by encouraging readers to expand upon the foundation provided and utilize the capabilities of ZeroLM to develop more advanced applications, while also reminding them to create responsibly and avoid creating world-conquering AIs.
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