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Can news outlets build a “trustworthy” AI chatbot?

Aug 27, 2023 -
Tech outlets including Macworld, PCWorld, Tech Advisor, and TechHive have incorporated a generative AI chatbot, Smart Answers, into their websites. The chatbot, developed by Foundry, is trained on English language articles from the four sites and provides responses to reader queries based on this content. The tool also includes an FAQ list generated by AI, based on popular reader queries. Despite some limitations in its ability to answer certain questions, the tool is seen as a way to help readers find specific information quickly, and also serves as a new platform for affiliate marketing ads.

Critics have raised concerns about the accuracy of the chatbot's responses, citing instances where it provided incorrect or insufficient information. However, Foundry maintains that the tool is designed to be a reliable source of information, and any errors are addressed through user feedback. The company also emphasizes that the chatbot is not intended to replace human writers, but rather to assist them by identifying areas where more coverage may be needed. The tool also generates affiliate revenue by providing shopping links relevant to a reader's query.

Key takeaways:

  • A group of tech outlets, including Macworld, PCWorld, Tech Advisor, and TechHive, have incorporated a generative AI chatbot tool, Smart Answers, into their websites to answer tech questions based on their articles and reviews.
  • The AI chatbot, developed by Foundry, is trained only on the English language articles from these four sites and excludes sponsored content and deals posts. It provides responses to user queries and includes links to the articles from which information was pulled.
  • Smart Answers also serves as a new way to carry affiliate marketing ads, generating revenue each time a reader makes a purchase using their link. It includes buying options for items relevant to a reader’s search.
  • Despite criticism about the rollout of AI initiatives, these tech outlets maintain that they won't be publishing AI-generated stories and that the chatbot could be useful for the reporting process, signaling to reporters and editors where there’s a need for more coverage.
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